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Automating Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform and GitOps: A Step-by-Step Guide

One of the most searched DevOps topics with a lack of comprehensive resources is automating infrastructure deployment using Terraform and GitOps. Terraform is a popular infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool, while GitOps is a methodology that emphasizes using Git to manage your infrastructure and application configurations.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of automating infrastructure deployment using Terraform and GitOps. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a better understanding of the benefits of this approach and how to implement it in your own projects.


1. Basic understanding of Terraform, Git, and DevOps concepts.
2. A Git account (GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket).
3. Terraform installed on your local machine.
4. Access to a cloud provider account (AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform).

Step 1: Setting up your Git repository

1. Create a new Git repository and clone it to your local machine.
2. Create a `.gitignore` file to exclude sensitive data and temporary files.
3. Add and commit the `.gitignore` file to your repository.

Step 2: Initializing your Terraform project

1. Create a new directory named `terraform` in your Git repository.
2. Inside the `terraform` directory, create a `` file.
3. Define your cloud provider in the `` file.
4. Initialize Terraform by running `terraform init` in the `terraform` directory.
5. Commit the changes to your Git repository.

Step 3: Writing your infrastructure code

1. In the `` file, define the resources you want to create in your cloud provider (e.g., Virtual Machines, Networking components, Databases, etc.).
2. Create a `` file to store input variables and a `terraform.tfvars` file to store the actual values for those variables.
3. Use the variables in your `` file to create a reusable and flexible infrastructure codebase.
4. Commit the changes to your Git repository.

Step 4: Setting up Continuous Integration (CI)

1. In your Git repository, create a `.gitlab-ci.yml`, `.github/workflows/main.yml`, or `bitbucket-pipelines.yml` file, depending on your Git provider.
2. Define a pipeline that triggers on changes to your `terraform` directory.
3. Add a job to your pipeline that runs `terraform init`, `terraform validate`, and `terraform plan`.
4. Commit the changes to your Git repository.

Step 5: Setting up Continuous Deployment (CD)

1. Add a new job to your pipeline that runs `terraform apply` with the `-auto-approve` flag.
2. Ensure this job only runs on specific branches, such as `master` or `main`.
3. Configure the necessary environment variables and secrets for your cloud provider.
4. Commit the changes to your Git repository.

Step 6: Deploying your infrastructure

1. Merge your changes to the branch specified in your CD configuration.
2. Monitor the pipeline execution in your Git provider’s interface.
3. Verify that your infrastructure has been successfully deployed in your cloud provider’s console.


In this tutorial, you learned how to automate infrastructure deployment using Terraform and GitOps. This approach helps maintain consistency, improve collaboration, and streamline infrastructure management. By following these steps, you can now implement this methodology in your own DevOps projects and enjoy its benefits.

Published inTutorials

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